For government officials, civil servants and public service employees, participation at the conference (Space & Defense Conference - October 14, 2025, Infotér Conference - October 15-16, 2025) is free.
(Please note that from one organization, a maximum of 10 persons may register with the opportunity of free participation, which will be accepted in the order of registrations. Additional applicants may participate in the event by purchasing a ticket.)
Participation fee must be paid by the following forms of companies: Kft. (limited liability company), Zrt. (private limited company), Bt. (limited partnership), Nyrt. (public limited company) and sole proprietorship (the fee payment obligation is independent of the maintaining institution, thus, it also applies to public enterprises).
The ticket prices include meals, which is also indicated on the invoice.
Registration is possible until October 10, 2025. Please note that the venue’s capacity is limited. When reached, the registration may be closed before the above deadline.